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Die Aufzeichnungen wurden aus dem Sommersemester 2008 übernommen. Nur das Kapitel 5 wurde neu aufgezeichnet.
Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen 08.04.2008 01:31:11 3.805 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence, Time and Space, History, Lecture Overview, What is AI?, From Plato to Zuse 14.04.2008 01:30:57 1.299 From Plato to Zuse From Plato to Zuse, History of AI, Intelligent Agents 15.04.2008 42:31 1.060 Intelligent Agents Intelligent Agents 15.04.2008 40:33 646 Problem formulation Problem formulation, 1-state-problem, Multiple-state-problem, State space, Real-world-problems 22.04.2008 01:30:17 828 Uninformed search Uninformed search, Best-First search, A* search 28.04.2008 01:33:49 643 Searching A* search, Heuristics, Limited memory, Iterative improvements 06.05.2008 01:31:51 550 Online Search Online Search, LRTA*, Supervised Learning, Basics, Inductive learning, Decision trees 19.05.2008 01:32:24 619 Supervised Learning Decision trees, How should decision trees be learned?, Empiric approach, Ensemble Learning, Effect of boosting 20.05.2008 01:29:40 491 PL1 Formalisations Ensemble Learning, PL1 Formalisations, PAC Learning 26.05.2008 01:26:59 451 Knowledge Engineering Sentential Logic 27.05.2008 01:26:51 42 Sudoku Sudoku, Calculi for SL, Wumpus in SL 09.06.2008 01:27:44 27 A Puzzle Calculi for SL, Wumpus in SL, A Puzzle 10.06.2008 01:30:57 531 Learning in networks The human brain, Neutral networks, The perceptron, Multi-layer feed-forward 19.05.2009 01:28:36 316 Hoare Calculus Verification, Core Programming Language, Hoare Logic 20.05.2009 01:21:27 309 Hoare Calculus Proof Calculi: Partial Correctness, Proof Calculi: Total Correctness, Sound and Completeness 16.06.2008 01:31:59 294 Planning Planning vs. Problem-Solving, Planning in the situation calculus, Stanford research institute problem solver (STRIPS), Partial-Order Planning 17.06.2008 01:29:19 296 STRIPS STRIPS, Action Description Language, Partial-Order Planning, POP for ADL, Knowledge Engineering, First Order Logic 24.06.2008 01:31:06 283 Semantics of first order logic Semantics of first order logic, Predicate- or funktion- symbols?, SIT-Calculus, Axioms about percepts, The Blocksworld, Choosing the predicates 30.06.2008 01:30:34 210 Knowlegde Engineering: Provers Theorem Proving, Automated Theorem Proving, Popular ATP techniques, Prover9 Syntax, Software creation, Verification of critical section 01.07.2008 01:26:36 314 Resolution Higher order logic, Theorem Proving, Resolution Calculus for FOL, Herbrand, Reduction to Herbrand models, Variants of Resolution, SLD Resolution 07.07.2008 01:23:19 234 SLD Resolution Herbrand, Reduction to Herbrand models, Variants of Resolution, SLD Resolution, Correctness of SLD resolution, Planning, Conditional Planning, Extensions 08.07.2008 01:16:22 188 SHOP SHOP, Action-based planning, HTN-Planning, Search Tree, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Nichtmonotone Phänomene, Two simple approaches, Closed World Assumption, Default Logic