Hier finden Sie Aufzeichnungen von Vorlesungen an der TU Clausthal.
Institut für Software und Systems Engineering
- 18:05:05SS 2024English
Emerging Technologies for the Circular Economy SS24
- 04:48:24WS 23/24English
Introduction to AI (WS 23/24)
- 03:26:21WS 23/24English
Introduction to AI
- 14:47:38SS 2023English
Emerging Technologies for the Circular Economy SS23
- 10:35:19SS 2023English
IoT and Digitalization for the Circular Economy SS23
- 09:22:25SS 2023English
The Limits to Growth - Sustainability and the Circular Economy (SS23)
- 14:56:09SS 2022English
The Limits to Growth - Sustainability and the Circular Economy
- 19:45:50SS 2022English
Emerging Technologies for the Circular Economy SS22
- 02:59:47SS 2021English
Introduction to Software Development Wittek
- 15:34:05SS 2020Deutsch
Nachhaltigkeit und Dynamische Systeme
- 20:00:39SS 2020Deutsch
Programmierkurs SS2020
- 20:34:02SS 2016English
Project and Quality Management in Software Systems Engineering
- 31:03:23SS 2015English
Model Driven Software Engineering