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Part I: Theory - Dr. Edward Fischer
Part II: Tool support - Dr. Michaela Huhn
Lecture recordings 12.Oct.2016 01:27:21 466 Part I: I. Motivation and Overview / II. 1. Theoretical Foundations 12.Oct.2016 01:27:38 159 Part I: II. 1. Theoretical Foundations 12.Oct.2016 01:24:57 90 Part I: II. 2. Expressiveness 12.Oct.2016 01:24:19 61 Part I: II. 2. Expressiveness Graph Based Replacement Rules, Resolution, Comparison, functional, Interpretation structured querry (SQL), Interpretation description logic,
Exercise 2 13.Oct.2016 01:31:17 59 Part I: II. 2. Expressiveness Exercise 1, Loop, Running Example, WHILE, Resolution 13.Oct.2016 01:27:27 50 Part I: II. 2. Expressiveness Exercise 2a, Resolution, Interpretation structured query (SQL), Interpretation description logic, Graph Based Replacement Rules, Applying Semantics 13.Oct.2016 02:05:33 45 Part I: II. 2. Expressiveness Graph Based Replacement Rules, Generation Descriptions, Comparison, Summary, Restrict Invocation of Functions, Specifying Function Internals, Exercise 2, Exercise 2a, Exercise 3 13.Oct.2016 01:15:31 88 II. 3. Specifications and Refinement Exercise 3, Exercise 2a, Exercise 2, Language Levels vs. Domain Levels, Virtualization and Materialization 13.Oct.2016 01:22:18 76 Part I: II. 3. Specifications and Refinement Multiple Domain Levels, Multiple Language and Domain Levels, Normailzed Depiction, Deep Instantiation, Prototypical Concept Pattern, Stereotypes, Nested Metalevels, Superposition, Comparison 13.Oct.2016 01:30:05 94 Part I: II. 3. Specifications and Refinement / II. 4. Team Work and History Exercise 5a, Comparison, Organizing Levels in General, Refinement, Organizing Refinement in General, Organizing Levels Formally, Refinements in General,
Team Work, Determining Identical Word Parts, Determining Identic Word Parts, Merge, Conflicts, Complex Change Operations 13.Oct.2016 01:27:34 65 Part I: II. 5. Updates Exercise 5a, The Update Problem, Update Organization, Reference Retention, UUID-Reproduction through Paths, UUID-Reproduction through Call Stacks, UUID-Reproduction through Rules, UUID-Reproduction, Incremental Transformation, Update Conflicts, Excursus: Transformation with Areas 13.Oct.2016 01:18:40 34 Part I: II. 5. Updates / II. 6. Processes Excursus: Transformation with Grammars, Incremental Transformation, Summary, Processes, Traceability Requirements to Code, Traceability Requirements - Model - Code, Traceability within Multiple Levels, Architecture - Design Decision, New Requirements from Design Decision, Software Development Processes, Requirement vs Documentation, Models and Requirements 13.Oct.2016 01:21:54 51 Part I: II. 6. Processes Models and Requirements, Motivation, Idea, Comparison, Realization, Details, Models with SW Development Processes, Summary 13.Oct.2016 01:08:41 95 Part II: Tool support - Organisation and Introduction Organizational Matters, Learning Targets
Introduction: Iterative Software Development, Tool-Supported MDSE, MDSE Benefits and Caveats, Use Case I, Purpose and Impact of Modeling in Software Engineering 13.Oct.2016 01:34:22 103 Part II: Tool support - Introduction, Web Applications and Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Framework Introduction: Purpose and Impact of Modeling in Software Engineering, Roles in MDSE, Arguing for Application Development Based on the MDD Approach, Arguing for Developing an MDD Infrastructure, Web Applications Using AndroMDA, MDD Infrastructure and Reference Applications, Activities Needed to Build an MDD Infrastructure.
Web Applications - Characteristics making them attractive for MDSE: A Concrete Web Application - Pachisi, Data-Intensive Web Applications, Consequences for an MDD Infrastructure for Web Applications.
Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Frameweork (EMF): Intro - Using EMF, The Ecore Model 13.Oct.2016 01:21:30 70 Part II: Tool support - Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Framework Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), Part, Data Modeling and Generation of a Simple Tree Editor for Instances, Class Model for Pachisi, The Ecore Metamodel, EMF Generation, Validation of Instances, Pachisi Data Model 13.Oct.2016 01:15:16 52 Part II: Tool support - Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Framework and M2T - Acceleo Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Frameweork: Containment, Ecore Metamodel, Metaclassifiers, Structural Features, Model Elements, The Code Generated from EMF. Modelled Classes, Abstract and Interface Classes, Inheritance, Simple Attributes, Subject-Observer Principle, Uni-directional References, Bi-directional References, Factories, Code Extensions. M2T - Acceleo: Model to Text, Model Transformation, Acceleo Features and Modules, First Acceleo Template, File Tags, Loops 13.Oct.2016 01:23:02 64 Part II: Tool support - Acceleo - Domain Specific Languages (DSL) Xtext Acceleo: Model to Text, Model Transformation, The First Acceleo Template, Loops, Queries, Conditions, Further Constructs.
Domain Specific Languages (DSL) Xtext: Modeling the Application, Domain-Specific Languages, Implementation of DSL, Language Design Basics 13.Oct.2016 01:27:09 48 Part II: Tool support - Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) - Xtext Xtext, Generated Text-Editors, Grammars, Notations, Metamodel, Xtext-Projects, Application Models, Standard DSL, Simplification, Grammar Head, Grammar Rules 13.Oct.2016 01:13:32 36 Part II: Tool support - Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) - Xtext Meatamodel, Xtext-Grammar, Modeling, Simplification, Sequence of elements, Terminal Rules vs. Data Type Rules, Processing the Input, Typical Constructs, Enumerations, Inheritance, Substitution rules, References, Namespaces, Qualified Identifiers and References 13.Oct.2016 01:25:52 43 Part II: Tool support - Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) - Xtend 1. Xtend as a programming language: Characteristics and application scenarios, Extension methods and Lambda-Functions.
2. Xtext - Scoping and model validation: Scopes and references 13.Oct.2016 01:09:25 57 Part II: Tool support - Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) - Xtext 2. Xtext - Scoping and model validation: Solution, Scoping Rules, The class Scope Provider, Implementation, Model Searching, Scoping at runtime, Scoping vs. Model Validation, The class Validator, Validation rules, Warnings and Error Messages. 4. Conclusion and Summary