Transportation Analysis, Modelling and Simulation
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Modeling and simulation has been identified by the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) as one of the key enabling technologies of the 21st century. Therefore, transportation analysis, modeling and simulation address the mathematical background while modeling transportation system scenarios such as freeway junctions, arterial routes, roundabouts, grid systems, etc. through the application of simulation software to better help planning, designing, and operating transportation systems. First the fundamentals of modeling are described, as they represent the largest portion of transportation analysis. In addition, the mathematical background describing real transportation systems is introduced on a basic level as well as on a more advanced one; and its correspondence to the respective modeling methodologies is described. Secondly, the most interesting simulation systems are presented at the language and logic level, and their use is described in several case studies. However, a class cannot describe all of the available simulation systems in detail. For this reason, students are referred to specific supplemental material, such as textbooks, reference guides, user manuals, etc., as well as Internet-based information which addresses several simulation languages. Thirdly, a variety of actual real world transportation applications are introduced as use case to study how to build models in the traffic system sector.
Lecture recordings
Short information
Semester: WS 15/16
English17:20:5611.Nov.2015526 Contributors
CameraAnja Michaela KaiserLecturerProf. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar P. F. Möller-
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