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Lecture recordings 22.Apr.2020 11:11 311 2.1 Intelligent Agents: The Social Force Model This short video illustrates the social force model for pedestrian simulation, discussed in Chapter 2. 22.Apr.2020 13:53 122 2.2 Intelligent Agents: The Nagel-Schreckenberg Model This short video illustrates the car following model by Nagel and Schreckenberg as an example of a discrete cellular model. 22.Apr.2020 14:46 83 2.3 Intelligent Agents: Dynamic Systems and Agents This short video discusses similarities and differences of models of control theory and agent-based models. 22.Apr.2020 19:51 58 2.4 Intelligent Agents: STRIPS AI Planning This short video explains the classical STRIPS model for AI planning discussed in Chapter 2. 22.Apr.2020 13:51 51 2.5 Intelligent Agents: The Subsumption Architecture This short video explains the subsumption architecture for intelligent robots by Rodney Brooks, discussed in Chapter 2. 22.Apr.2020 22:05 41 2.6 Intelligent Agents: Commitment Strategies in Practical Reasoning This short video describes different strategies how belief-deisre-intention (BDI) agents can choose and reconsider their intentions, as discussed in Chapter 2. 05.May.2020 13:58 45 4.1 Fundamentals of Multiagent Systems: The Braess Paradox This short video explains the Braess Paradox and what it has to do with MAS ... 05.May.2020 15:33 45 4.2 Fundamentals of MAS: Traffic Routing Games This short video illustrates the application of game theory to traffic routing problems in socio-technical systems 05.May.2020 22:11 49 4.3 Fundamentals of MAS: Tragedy of the Commons & Price of Anarchy This video illustrates two important phenomena occurring in systems of self-interested agents: The tragedy of the commons and the price of anarchy 05.May.2020 16:26 33 4.4 Fundamentals of MAS: An Application of the Contract Net This short video explains the use, usefulness and limitations of the contract net protocol using a vehicle routing application case study 06.May.2020 14:54 39 4.5 Fundamentals of MAS: Simulated Trading This video gives an introduction into the simulated trading mechanism by Bachem et al. and its use in the context of multiagent systems 19.May.2020 07:15 34 5.1 Logic Programming; PROLOG Basics This short video gives a brief overview of some fundamentals of programming with the logic programming language Prolog, including unification and SLD resolution. 19.May.2020 19:17 43 5.2 Logic Programming: PROLOG control flow This short video illustrates the basic control strategy exerted by the PROLOG interpreter, including backtracking, negation, and the cut operator 28.May.2020 21:08 42 6.1 Concurrency: Labeled Transition Systems and Finite State Processes This short video provides an overview of two basic notations for describing concurrent systems 28.May.2020 17:05 40 6.2 Concurrency: Parallel composition, shared actions, and composite processes This short video illustrates basic concepts of concurrency and synchronisation, and how to model them with LTS and FSP. 28.May.2020 13:00 30 6.3 Concurrency: Process Re-labeling This short video describes notations that allow to deal with multiple process instances in FSPs. 28.May.2020 13:11 23 6.4 Concurrency: Process modularity and visualization This short videos illustrates how modular process FSP models can be designed using action hiding and interfaces; it also introduces structure diagrams for process structure visualization 28.May.2020 08:48 29 6.5 Concurrency: Deadlock and Dining Philosophers 6.5 This short video illustrates the concept of deadlock in concurrent systems. You will also meet some smart people who have trouble eating with chopsticks. 30.Jun.2020 11:11 77 8.1 Agent-Oriented Programming: Jason Basics This video tutorial illustrat4es the first steps in installing the Jason Agent IDE and programming and running a Hello World example.