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Embedded Computing Systems

by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar P. F. Möller



ITIS module Embedded Computing Systems (ECS) consider the tremendous growing of integrating micro-electronic computing components in recent years with regard to their architectures, complexity, design and programming. The complexity of Embedded Computing Systems require a new type of design crossing the traditional border between hardware and software design. Therefore, the ECS class portrays hardware and software not as different domains, but rather as two implementations along a continuum of options varying in their design metrics like cost, design efficiency, flexibility, level of abstraction, performance, power consumption, responsibility, configurability and reconfigurability, scalability, size, technology, to name a few. This approach also targets the reduction of time-to-market of products considerably. Thus, the scope of the ITIS module Embedded Computing Systems (ECS) is to conciliate a well defined and well chosen theoretical and methodological background on methods to earn these competencies which are not only based on the primary computer science and engineering knowledge, which is understood as knowledge for the sake of action out of the synthesis of mathematical methodology and engineering concreteness, realized in the technical embedded computing system. Therefore, it also focus on a strategic knowledge of orientation which allow the self-contained handling of knowledge within complex real world process requirements in the respective application domain.


Lecture recordings

  • Short information

    Semester: SS 2014

    Lecture number: S 0506

  • Contributors

    Anja Michaela Kaiser
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar P. F. Möller
  • Hints / Further information

    Videoserver FAQ (in german only)

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