Institut für Mathematik
- 99016:51:39WS 15/16English
Computational Modeling and Simulation II: Continuous Systems
The class will provide fundamental topics on modeling and simulation of continuous time systems ranging from mathematical description to simulation-based analysis Modeling techniques simulation tools, verification and validation in the context of a design in several application domains, single - and multi step integration algorithms, stability analysis as well as existence and uniqueness of the solution will be covered. The examples and projects in this course will be selected from engineering, especially from electrical and computer engineering.
- 15302:45:14WS 15/16English
Research Seminar in Cyber-Physical Systems
The ITIS Research Seminar in Cyber-Physical Systems is integral part of research in information technology and information systems at Clausthal University of Technology (TUC). Through scientific presentations, critical reflection and discussion, students learn current research topics in the field of Cyber Physical Systems. For this purpose, up to date research work as well as problem statements, models, solutions, results and more will be presented and discussed in plenary. The suggestions obtained from the discussion support students in their own project work in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems which is mandatory. In this sense the Research Seminar in Cyber-Physical Systems presents a platform for students across all fields of information technology and information systems with a focus is on interesting new research ideas in Cyber-Physical Systems and on student based project work.
- 16901:35:50WS 15/16English
Seminar in Ubiquitous Computing
Through scientific presentations, critical reflection and discussion, students learn current state-of-the art topics in the field of Ubiquitous Computing. For this purpose, up to date scientifc work as well as problem statements, models, solutions, results and more will be presented and discussed in plenary. The suggestions obtained from the discussion support students in their own project work in the field of Ubiquitous Computing which is mandatory. In this sense the Seminar in Ubiquitous Computing presents a platform for students across all fields of information technology and information systems with a focus on interesting new state-of-the art ideas in Ubiquitous Computing and on student based project work.
- 52617:20:56WS 15/16English
Transportation Analysis, Modelling and Simulation
Modeling and simulation has been identified by the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) as one of the key enabling technologies of the 21st century. Therefore, transportation analysis, modeling and simulation address the mathematical background while modeling transportation system scenarios such as freeway junctions, arterial routes, roundabouts, grid systems, etc. through the application of simulation software to better help planning, designing, and operating transportation systems. First the fundamentals of modeling are described, as they represent the largest portion of transportation analysis. In addition, the mathematical background describing real transportation systems is introduced on a basic level as well as on a more advanced one; and its correspondence to the respective modeling methodologies is described. Secondly, the most interesting simulation systems are presented at the language and logic level, and their use is described in several case studies. However, a class cannot describe all of the available simulation systems in detail. For this reason, students are referred to specific supplemental material, such as textbooks, reference guides, user manuals, etc., as well as Internet-based information which addresses several simulation languages. Thirdly, a variety of actual real world transportation applications are introduced as use case to study how to build models in the traffic system sector.
- 2.60126:22:01SS 2015English
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems
ITIS module Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) combine cyber capabilities (computation and/or communication) with physical capabilities (motion or other physical processes). Cars, aircrafts, ships, trains, robots, and more are prime examples, because they move physically in space in a way that is determined by discrete computerized algorithms. Designing such algorithms to control Cyber-Physical Systems is challenging with regard to their tight coupling with physical components/systems behavior. Moreover, it is vital that these algorithms are correct, because user rely on Cyber-Physical Systems for safety-critical tasks like keeping aircrafts away from colliding as part of a runway incursion CPS.
- 1.61820:04:09SS 2014English
Discrete Event Simulation
The lecture give an introduction into the theoretical and methodological background of discrete-event modeling and simulation. Based on this knowledge applications about discrete-event simulation as case study examples will be introduced to show how to apply the gained knowledge in an area of concentration. This require at the very first the clear problem formulation, setting of objectives and an overall project plan, model conceptualization, data collection, model translation and verification, and finally simulation runs and validation of obtained results. Therefore the class introduce into the basics of simulation with a specialization on concepts in discrete event simulation. Based on that simulation software tools will be introduced to link with the execution of mathematical and statistical models. These model types will be introduced as statistical models in simulation and queuing models. With this knowledge the analysis of simulation data as well as verification and validation of simulation models will be introduced and discussed in the very detail based on case study examples to integrate the essential knowledge for own Discrete Event Simulation class work of Part I.
- 1.15915:17:36SS 2014English
Embedded Computing Systems
ITIS module Embedded Computing Systems (ECS) consider the tremendous growing of integrating micro-electronic computing components in recent years with regard to their architectures, complexity, design and programming. The complexity of Embedded Computing Systems require a new type of design crossing the traditional border between hardware and software design. Therefore, the ECS class portrays hardware and software not as different domains, but rather as two implementations along a continuum of options varying in their design metrics like cost, design efficiency, flexibility, level of abstraction, performance, power consumption, responsibility, configurability and reconfigurability, scalability, size, technology, to name a few. This approach also targets the reduction of time-to-market of products considerably. Thus, the scope of the ITIS module Embedded Computing Systems (ECS) is to conciliate a well defined and well chosen theoretical and methodological background on methods to earn these competencies which are not only based on the primary computer science and engineering knowledge, which is understood as knowledge for the sake of action out of the synthesis of mathematical methodology and engineering concreteness, realized in the technical embedded computing system. Therefore, it also focus on a strategic knowledge of orientation which allow the self-contained handling of knowledge within complex real world process requirements in the respective application domain.
- 1.94003:59:17WS 13/14Deutsch
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Analysis/Linearen Algebra
- 1.27115:21:13WS 13/14English
Hardware Software Co-Design
- 2.75117:30:12WS 13/14Deutsch
Lineare Algebra und diskrete Strukturen III
- Normale Endomorphismen Enthält Detaildiskussionen von Hermiteschen (symmetrischen) Endomorphismen Unitären (orthogonalen) Endomorphismen Spektralsätze für diagonalisierbare und für normale Endomorphismen - Normalformen, Allgemeine Spektraltheorie Äquivalenz und Ähnlichkeit von nxn-Matrizen Nilpotente Endomorphismen Allgemeiner Spektralsatz, Jordansche Normalform Anwendung: Lösung von Systemen linearer Differentialgleichungen
- 5.85729:03:41SS 2013Deutsch
Angewandte Graphentheorie
- 3.43816:13:07SS 2013English
Internet of Things
The raise of the availability of the Internet elsewhere and the advances in software and telecommunication services led to the opportunity connecting every thing, element, and/or object with any thing, element, and/or object. Thus the basic idea of Internet of Things (IoT) is that virtually every thing can also feature tiny computers that are connected to the Internet. Learn how the Internet of Things will change the world as we know it for the better.